What did you expect?

Me, myself, and I. For you, this blog.
I post, what i feel should be posted. You read, what you feel should be read. If you choose to follow, I will gratiously accept and return the favor. Updates will be made when necessary, and I have full intent to give any readers something relevant to what they want to read; Vote on Polls. If your taking the time to read this page that I took the time to make for you, Thank you. I'm here for the entertainment; Yours, and My Own. Keep in mind: The best way to become boring is to say everything.
What did you expect?

Monday, December 14, 2009

The proudest.

A follow up on the CD launch of Celidh's Album, "Such a Fall as This".
Wow, im so proud of Miss Barker. And i heard she and her openening act (Olivia) did phenominal. My personal apologies to both these young ladies, that I was unable to attend the concert. I have been a keen fan of hers for some time now, and I still plan on purchasing the album. If any of you are unable to contact her for the album, it will be available some time in the early new year (Jan 2010) on iTunes. Visit her myspace for more information! :) www.myspace.com/celidhbarker


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Such a Fall as This

I know a young lady by the name of Celidh Barker, and she just happens to be coming out with her debut album featuring her playing ukulele, singing all vocals, and all music and lyrics written by her! Celidh is an Indie, Folk Rock, Acoustic musician. She is a student at Eastwood Collegiate, similar to me, except VERY talented. Celidh (rhymes with ukulele) Barker writes, sings and loves music. Her myspsace page is the beginnings of a sort-of effort to put her music out into the universe. "Here you go universe." (www.myspace.com/celidhbarker)
Her CD launch is on December 13th 2009 (tomorrow) at St. John's Kilmarnock, 220 Shantz Station Rd., Breslau, Ontario. It starts at 7.00 p.m. and its a cost of $7. With special guest performer Olivia Borkosky! I think that you should really come out and support her. She has spent long, countless hours working on this show/CD. If you come out, there is an opprotunity for y'all to buy her album, Such a Fall as This, for the cost of $10. It features songs such as "Maggies Place", "The Trees Protest", "Double Bubble", "The One About Birds" <-(my fav!) and many more! :D
Please Support, Support, Support!!